Rabu, 27 April 2011

Tugas 2. Semester 2 - Mail Merge

    Definisi Mail Merge ?
    Sebutkan dan jelaskan 3 (tiga) unsur pokok Mail Merge !
    Sebutkan dan jelaskan tentang Database !
    Manfaat Database ?
    Contoh-contoh software aplikasi pembuat data berbasis Database !  Minimal 5.
    Sebutkan dan jelaskan prosedur membuat dokumen bergaya Mail Merge !
    Sebutkan dan jelaskan prosedur membuat Main Document (Master Surat) dalam Mail Merge !
    Sebutkan dan jelaskan prosedur membuat Data Source (Source Data) dalam Mail Merge !
    Jelaskan mengapa harus terlebih dahulu membuat Main Document dalam Mail Merge !?
    Jelaskan prosedur Merger "Main Document" dengan "Data Source" dalam Mail Merge !
    Dalam proses membuat Dokumen Mail Merge, bisa apa tidak langkahnya diubah yakni :  Pertama, membuat Data Source dahulu;  Kedua, membuat Main Document;  Ketiga, menggabungkan keduanya ?  Jelaskan dong !
    Dalam proses membuat Dokumen Mail Merge, bisa apa tidak langkahnya diubah yakni :  Pertama, menggabungkan Main Document dengan Data Source;  Kedua, membuat Main Document; Ketiga, membuat Data Source ?  Jelaskan lagi dong dong ah !
    Bagaimanakah prosedur menyimpan secara aman atas Dokumen Mail Merge yang dibuat ?
    Jelaskan, apa ekstensi file yang berupa Dokumen Mail Merge !
    Bagaimanakah cara mengenali suatu Dokumen yang sudah dibuat dan disimpan di suatu Drive, misalnya Drive D ? Jelaskan !
    Bagaimanakah cara membuka Dokumen Mail Merge yang sudah disimpan di suatu Drive ?
    Bisa diedit apa tidak,"Dokumen Mail Merge" yang sudah tersimpan di suatu Drive ?  Jelaskan dong caranya !
    Bisa dicopy apa tidak ,"Dokumen Mail Merge" yang sudah tersimpan di suatu Drive ?  Jelaskan dong caranya !
    Bisa dihapus apa tidak,"Dokumen Mail Merge" yang sudah tersimpan di suatu Drive ?  Jelaskan dong, mengapa menghapusnya ?
    Dokumen Mail Merge dibuat melalui Software Aplikasi, apa namanya ?
    Software apa sajakah  yang menjadi saudara/saudari dari software Microsoft Word ?
    Software Microsoft Word dan Saudara/Saudarinya masuk rumpun apakah ?  Nama Perusahaan Produsennya ? Alamatnya termasuk Websitenya ?
    Software Microsoft Word dan Saudara/Saudarinya,  termasuk Open Source Software  (Free Program) ataukah Close Source Software (Paid Program) ? Jelaskan!
    Bisakah Dokumen Mail Merge dibuat melalui Software "Ms Excel, Ms Power Point, Ms Outlook, dan Ms Publisher  ?  Mengapa demikian ?
    Bisakah Dokumen Mail Merge dibuat melalui Website Blogspot dan yang sejenisnya ? Mengapa demikian ?
    Sebutkan dan jelaskan manfaat membuat Dokumen Mail Merge ! Minimal 3.
    Dokumen Mail Merge yang sudah dibuat, apakah akan dicetak seluruhnya ? Mengapa demikian ?
    Bagaimanakah cara mencetak Dokumen Mail Merge ?
    Bisakah, Dokumen Mail Merge diconvert (diubah) dalam tampilan Dokumen Bergaya PDF ?
    Jelaskan, apakah PDF itu ?
    Apa kepanjangan PDF itu ?
    Apa tujuan membuat Dokumen PDF ?
    Dengan software apakah, bisa mengubah Dokumen Mail Merge ke dalam PDF Mail Merge ?
    Gratis ataukah Berbayar,"Software Creator PDF" itu  ? Bilamana gratis, silahkan Free Download, di manakah untuk mendapatkannya. Bilamana sudah mendapatkannya, silahkan diinstallkan ke dalam Komputer Anda !  Bilamana Berbayar, beli di manakah ? Silahkan beli, kalau memang ingin membelinya !
    Sebutkan dan jelaskan Keunggulan dan Kelemahan Software "Open Source"  dan Software "Close Source" ?

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Question :

1. Please specify and each function about all the members of microsoft office 2007 !
2. Please specify and each function about all the members of Pull Down Menu in Ms Word 2007 !
3. Please specify the function of Office Button in Ms Word 2007 !
4. Please specify all the members of View Menu in Ms Word 2007 !
5. Please specify the advantage of Managing Files in Ms Word 2007 !


1. ~ Microsoft Office Excel 2007 to analyze your business information, create worksheets, and tracktime,costs, resources, and people
~ Microsoft Office Word 2007 to create, manage, store, and convert documents
~ Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 to produce professional publications
~ Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager to manage customers, contacts, and sales
~ Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 to create dynamic sales presentations
~ Microsoft Office Accounting Express 2008 to save time, organized, and do business online with a complete accounting solution for small businesses
~ Microsoft Access 2007 to create a database and then filter, sort, form a graph, and visualize business information
~ InfoPath 2007 to lower the cost of transaction execution and business process technology with advanced electronic form
~ Communicator 2007 to communicate more easily with colleagues and clients in locations and different time zones using a variety of communication techniques that include instant messaging, voice, and video
~ Groove 2007 to collaborate with others in a dynamic in a single workspace that unites all members of the team, tools, documents, and information
~ OneNote 2007 to gather and organize handwritten notes, audio and video recordings, Web research, screen clippings, pictures, etc. all in a single location.

2. Pull down menu
Find, find text in the document
Go to, navigate to specific place in the document
Select Object, Change to the selection cursor, so that you can select and
move ink and other objects in the document

3. a. New, to make a new document
b. Open, to open a document
c. Save, to save an updated document
d. Save as, to save an unnamed document or to save an old document with a new name
e. Print, print a document
f. Prepare, to prepare a document to be distributed
g. Send, to send a document to another person
h. Publish, to distributed a document to another person

4. Print Layout, Full Screen Reading, Web Layout, Outline, Draft, Zoom, 100%, One Page,Two Pages, Page Width.

5. To Make documents such as, letters, reports, and booklets.
Selasa, 08 Februari 2011
Evaluasion Of Semester 2


B. Essay
1.Explain how to change a desktop background !
 -On the perzonalization page, choose desktop background.

2. What is the use of a screen saver ?
-Screen saver is to protect the screen from electron that jumpsin high speed because of the magnetic and electric field effect inside the monitor tube.
3. Name and explain briefly the device that can enhance the picture quality !
4. What is the advantage of managing file ?
5. How to cancel a deletion in the Recycle Bin ?
 - Choose the Recycle Bin icon on the Folder panel.
 - Chose the file or folder to cancel the delection.
 - Next, from the menu abobe choose Restore this item or by right clicking the file, choose Restore.
6. Name and explain briefly about the the control size buttons !
 - Add Hardware =>To install hardwares that do not support plug and play.
 - Autoplay => To run an application from CD, DVD, or flash disk that is inserted to a computer.
 - Date and Time => To set the date and time on a computer.
 - Device Manager => To set the connected hardwares on he computer.
 - Folder Optons => To adjust te appearance of a folder.
 - Fonts => To set the installed fonts on a computer.
 - Game Controllers => To set a joystick.
 - Internet Options => To set the Internet Explorer application.
 - Keyboard => To set a keyboard.
 - Mouse => To set  a mouse.
 - Personalization => To set the screen or desktop.

7. What is the Print Preview icon for ?
8. What icon is used for writing mathematical equations or formulas ?
9. Describe the steps to create page numbers !
 -Click the Insert tab.
 - Click Page Numbers until the page number location option appears.
 - From those options, we determine the page number position, for example to put the page number on the bottom of the page, choose the Bottom of Page (Footer). Then, choose the preferred format.
 - To set the number format, click the Insert tab then click Page Numbers then choose the Format Page Number icon until the Page Number Format dialog box appears.
 - To choose the numbering format, click the arrow below the Number Format and set the numbering format.
 - Click the OK button to close the Page Number Format dialog box.
 - Click OK to finish the page number and its format setting.

10. how to set a distance among sentences ?
 - Select the text to be set.
 - Click on the Home tab, choose the dialog box launcher on the Font group to show the Font diaolog box.
 - Choose the Character Spacing.
 - Scale option is to set the scale to adjust the space among characters.
 - Spacing option is to adjust the space among characters.
 - Position option is to set the character position towards a line.

Resource : SUHU PSPB RONGGOLAWEZ21 EXPLANATION and Class Discussion  of  XB

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011
A. Multiple Choice

B. Esai
1. what is the difference between first line indent and hanging indent?
2. how to insert a new column in a table?

3. a. what is ribbon?
    b. name parts of the ribbon
4. a. how to set the spacing in a script?
    b. name type of scripts
5. explain briefly on how to make a mass letter using the mail merge facility

Answer   :
1. -First line indent is to align according to preference, either letters or numbers on the first line of a word or a sentence that has been blocked.
-Hanging Indent is to align according to preference on the letter or number on the second line, third, and so on within a blocked sentence.
2.- Place the cursor on the table that will be inserted a row
   - Click the Layout tab, look in the Rows and Columns group
   - If we are to insert a new row on top, then click the Insert Above, where are to insert a new line below, then click Insert Below
3.a. Ribbon menu is a bar that contains icons to support word processing.
   b. - Home
    - Insert
    - Page Layout
    - Reference
    - Mailing
    - Review
    - View
4. A  .a. highlight the text to be changed.
         b. click on the home tab, choose a dialog box launcher on the paragrafph group.
         c. on the paragraph dialog box, click indent and spacing.
         d. choose one of thespacing following options.
          singel   : 1 space
          1,5 Lines : 1,5 space
          Double : 2 space
          At least : the spacing is determined according to the minimum size line with the maximum size font
          Exactly : the spacing is determined equally without font adjustment
          Multiple : the spacing is determined by a percentage
       e. click ok to set spacing according to the preference.
  B. Name type of script are  Meeting inviation, Letter of Offer Goods, Notice, Certificate, Certificate in the Field of Education and others.
5. a. Making a mail merge main document
    b. Making a mail merge database
    c. Combining the mail merge document and the database

resorces    : SUHU PSPB RONGGOLAWEZ21 EXPRANATION And Class Discustion of X-B